September 14, 2010

Party of the year!!

We laughed, we ate, we took a million pictures and we loved our little boy turning one year old. To think back a year ago I can state the obvious of how uncomfortable and huge I was, or how I was nesting and folding baby clothes till late in the night. Those were days of preparation and anticipation but regardless of having children before you never are prepared for how full  your heart can become, how you can go on no sleep and feel no pain just from the high of love that you have for this new warm life snuggled on your chest. He was again more than I could have hoped for and he is still a high I can run on when I am empty.

I love you Adrian and you have made this family more beautiful for being in it. 

I have always loved the Very Hungry Caterpillar book and so that is where the theme grew from. I had a fabulous baker from Jackson Michigan 'Oh Susannah' make the Very hungry Caterpillar cake for me and she did a fabulous job. We had chocolate covered cherry, raspberry puree and marshmallow filled cupcakes. Everyone was very impressed and very full.

We had family up for the entire weekend to celebrate Adrian's birthday and it was really a joy. Adrian never once was too overwhelmed by the attention, the singing and the presents but I do thank the nap he had an hour or so before things started to that! He of course had his first taste of sugar with his first cupcake and he ate that thing in its entirety without making a peep just savoring the wonderful thing that is FROSTING. Adrian loved his birthday and the thing he loved the most where the balloons.



  1. Hi- I'm just catching up on your blog and saw how awesome your son's 1st birthday party turned out!! The Very Hungry Caterpillar is favorite in our house too!

  2. Hello there :) I'm the Blogger mom from the soccer field - your blog is great! Those caterpillar cupcakes are fabulous. I couldn't help but notice you're a cloth diaper mom...go figure, I used cloth with my youngest. If you sew your own, let me know, there is a great board for diapering making mommas that I still go to.

  3. Great job with the party, I love doing theme parties for kids.
